A Wallets initial steps SIMPLIFIED version

The EUDI Wallet Technical Specifications used:

The Italian profile version 0.8.0

System layout

A small OpenID Federation (the green cloud) containing 4 entities:
A Trust Anchor - the trusted 3rd party
PID Issuer
Issuer of PID Credentials
Wallet Provider
Wallet Provider - the connection between the Federation and the Wallet
Trust Mark Issuer
Issuer of Trust Marks. In this case of trust marks that shows what kind of credential Issuer an entity is.

The Wallet is not part of the OpenID Federation but has the capability to query the Federation for information.

Software used

  1. IdpyOidc: A Python implementation of everything OpenID Connect and OAuth2.
  2. SATOSA - A configurable proxy for translating between different authentication protocols such as SAML2, OpenID Connect and OAuth2.
  3. Fedservice - Implementation of OpenID Federation
  4. IdpySDJWT - Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)
  5. OpenID4V - OpenID4VP and OpenID4VCI
  6. satosa-openid4vci - Credential Issuer as front-end to SATOSA
  7. satosa-idpy - OpenID Connect front-end to SATOSA

Verify that the Wallet Provider is part of the federation

Please enter the Entity identifier of the Wallet Provider: